Meatball Day – August 23, 2024

The meatball was first mentioned in writing in Sweden in 1754 in Kajsa Warg’s cookbook Hielpreda i hushållningen för unga fruentimmer, but when people today talk about Swedish meatballs, they often refer to the recipe developed by the legendary Swedish chef Tore Wretman. Wretman highlighted the traditions of Swedish home cooking during the 1950s and 60s.
Who doesn’t love these little balls? They are true everyday heroes, solving so many of life’s moments. When the kids are hungry and need a quick dinner, just add some instant macaroni.

Are you a brown gravy, pickled cucumber, and lingonberry person, or more of a spaghetti and tomato sauce kind of person? Do you roll your own, or do you go for store-bought? The options and solutions are endless.
We can only say congratulations, Meatball, on your special day. We love and celebrate you, and we’ll be serving you all day on Friday, August 23.

Book your meatball lunch here.


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Monday 12.00  00.00
Tuesday 12.00  00.00
Wednesday 12.00  01.00
Thursday 12.00  01.00
Friday 12.00  01.00
Saturday 13.00  01.00
Sunday 13.00 00.00